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Reduce Calories and Add Fiber to Your Spaghetti

There are couple of easy ways to make that easy and delicious plate of spaghetti a little healthier. The first way is simply replace your white pasta with wheat pasta. Wheat pasta has double the fiber and nearly 50 less calories per cup. I can't even tell a difference in taste once the sauce is added.

The second way is replacing the pasta all together with squash and/or zucchini. Grate the squash and zucchini into pasta size peices. Throw it in a frying pan with medium heat. Fry until it's hot and softened up. Add some olive oil if you need to, but there's probably enough water in the vegetable to fry properly without it. Once it's cooked add your sauce and you have a plate of spaghetti with a small fraction of the calories, but more taste, and more vitamins and minerals.

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