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Try Cashew Milk

There are now a lot of non-dairy milk products available including soy, almond, coconut, rice, and my favorite, cashew. Each has its own flavor and some advantages and disadvantages compared to regular cow's milk. The main disadvantagers are less protein and greater cost in non-dairy milks. The advantage in non-dairy milk is less sugar and calories and a much longer shelf life (which can sometimes dramatically change the cost in your favor). The vitamin and mineral content is not drastically different. The taste will vary depending on what kind of milk you're drinking and whether or not it's sweetened, but there are certainly those out there that would actually prefer the non-dairy taste.

If you're trying to lose weight start your day with a bowl of whole grain cereal and cashew milk. In cereal you probably won't even notice the difference in milk flavor, but you will benefit from the lower sugar and most importantly calories.

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